The first Mog's Togs Friend that we are allowing to share our blog is Atticus, who we must admit, we have a bit of a crush on... Thank you Emma of Mrs Jones Jewellery for typing up his answers!!
What's your name, how old are you, and where do you live?
My name is Atticus, although I am known as Snout, I am almost two and I live in Somerset. I am named after Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Atticus reclining after winning another game |
Who do you live with? What's the best and worst thing about living with them?
I live with a family but won’t tolerate any other animals. I love the boys in the family as they overfill my bowl and if I sit under Freddie’s chair at dinner, I know I will get a little extra. On the downside, I hate being picked up at random, and I think the humans sometimes mock me.
What has been your greatest adventure / scariest moment?
I am a house cat, although I like to stroll in my own garden from time to time. In the summer I was watching birds through a bedroom window when I noticed it was open, so I stepped through and onto the roof of the bay window, where I basked in the sun. Unfortunately, when it was time to come in, I found I couldn’t and had to be rescued by the humans. [Ed. - I think you mean, that you allowed the humans to believe you needed rescuing, to improve their self esteem...]
What would be your perfect day?
I like to have my family around me, as long as they are leaving me alone. I would start the day with Iams with a topping of Dreamies. Wash while watching birds, then a nap in the shafts of sunlight. I like to have one active burst of playing with the boys, with some rough play involved and then another nap.
Which is your favourite Mog's Togs collar?
I love the Skull & Crossbones collar!
Atticus hiding from legions of fans, he's sooo gorgeous!! |
Thanks Atticus!!
If you want to be featured on our blog, please miaow at your human until you have their full attention, then get them to email the answers to the above questions and a few cute photos to!